I had no idea this workshop would impact me so deeply. I came out of it with a deeper connection with myself and my voice. Stopping life and writing these pieces brought me so much joy.
—Leslie T., Integrative Women’s Health Specialist
Have you been wanting to…
- start writing, or get back to writing?
- pull together your memories and ideas and see what you can make of them?
- participate in a community of readers and writers?
- try writing poems, or short stories, or essays based on your experiences?

If so, our flagship Canyon Wren Writing Workshop may be a good place to start! This workshop is led by seasoned writing instructors David Starkey and Catherine Abbey Hodges, both award-winning writers themselves.
Our four-week workshop offers the opportunity to join a community of readers and writers. Participants receive instruction, readings, writing prompts, and feedback from both instructors and fellow students. We dip into poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction (essays), welcoming boundary-blurring between these genres. Writers are free to stay with one genre or move between them.
In our workshops, we foster a safe community in which participants feel free to experiment, and we provide guidelines for meaningful and encouraging feedback. Our goal is to offer not only a self-contained experience but also a springboard to further writing projects. To that end, we’ve designed a course that’s relaxed and flexible, on the one hand, and on the other, sufficiently intense to get creative juices flowing and inspire writers beyond our weeks together.
Our current workshop schedule is on hold. However, if you would like to work privately, via Zoom, with either Catherine or David, contact us directly at catherineabbeyhodges@gmail.com or dmstarkey1@gmail.com.